What to Look for in a Business Fuel Card

If you want to simplify your tax returns, and keep track of your vehicle expenses the easy way as well as track vehicle usage a fuel card is a good way to do it. However, it is important to realise that not all fuel cards offer the same benefits. Some are definitely better than others. Here are a few things you should be looking for when choosing one.

How many fuel stations will accept the card

Perhaps the most important consideration is where the card will be accepted. There is no point in equipping your personnel with fuel cards that can only be used in a few places. They will only end up wasting time driving around looking for a fuel station that will accept their card. It will be frustrating and counterproductive for your personnel to have to plan their journey based around where they can fill up.

Discounts and benefits

The best fuel card providers offer their clients discounts on a range of things. This includes money off fuel, servicing, accident insurance and other services. Some also offer discounts on things like tyres.

Online monthly invoices

One of the biggest benefits of fuel cards is the ability to track vehicle usage. It is easy to see how much fuel each vehicle is using. If things like tyres and servicing are bought using the card it is possible to keep track of those costs too. The best firms allow their clients to download the invoices from the web and do so in a format that allows the data to be cut and pasted into a spreadsheet for analysis.

Warm Regards Earl Miller

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  1. This article has a lot of great ideas on fuel cards when it comes to choosing the best fuel card for your business,The best fuel card providers offer their clients discounts on a range of things. This includes money off fuel. Thank you for your share!!

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