Best Bollards For Protecting Your Building


Bollards are the first thing that comes to mind whether you plan to create a physical or a visual barrier. They protect the privacy and assets of an owner, calm the traffic and give an enhanced aesthetic look to the area. There are different options when it comes to choosing the material from which the bollards are made. Some are sturdy and make an ideal choice in public places, while some cannot withstand the high load, so these do not get opted a lot.

Whichever bollard type you choose, it will come with its own perks, provided you get the premium quality product from a trusted seller. If you plan to put up bollards to protect your building, you should decide which material suits you the best. Ideally, the cast iron bollards are the best choice, but there are other options as well.

Types Of Bollards

Let us discuss the types of materials used for making the bollards and what are their benefits:-

Steel Bollards

Steel has high impact resistance and can withstand all kinds of weather. Moreover, it gives a sleek, modern-day look to the entire area in its original silver-grey hue or after getting coated with another colour.

Concrete Bollards

Concrete provides added impact resistance and stands firm in areas where pedestrian safety is the prime concern. People use it in conjunction with the steel pipes or individually in its original form. With technical advancements and better availability of resources, one can turn this bollard into different shapes and sizes, matching them with the architectural beauty of the surroundings.

Aluminium Bollards

If you are looking for lightweight, removable bollard options, you can go with aluminium. They make the best choice where the purpose is to separate an area, keeping its charm intact. Aluminium bollards are mostly found at events or in red carpets.

Cast Iron

Another option for your building is the cast iron bollards, which people have been using for ages. They are super sturdy and are less likely to get shaken with the high pressure and load. Due to their sturdiness, they also get used as covers on concrete and steel bollards.

Other than these, bollards are also available made of wood, plastic and more. Depending upon your requirements, you can choose the bollards and get them installed. Now, during the installation process, you need to be careful about a few things.

Things To Consider During Installation

  • The markings should be proper as the entire installation depends on that.
  • The hole that you dig should be 6 inches more than the diameter of the bollard, and it should be around 22 inches deep.
  • Fix the bollard by putting concrete mix and taping it with the rubber mallet.
  • The concrete mix takes about two days to set completely. Make sure the bollard stays intact for that period of time.

Even though these steps can help do the installation, it is vital to call for expert help. Look for the bollards installation professionals in your area and give the job to them. You can then rest assured that there will be no flaw, and these vertical posts will serve their purpose.

Warm Regards Earl Miller

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